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Importação de modelos 3D

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Room Planner > Blog > O que há de novo > Importação de modelos 3D

IMPORTANT: Import functionality is on testing stage. Stay in touch to get an access.

In Room Planner App you are able now to import your own 3D models and 2D models to cutomize your designs or to introduce your products. Let’t take a look how exactly you can upload your items.

Video tutorial

1. Model Requirements

  1. Available formats: .ZIP, .RAR, .MAX, .FBX, .OBJ, .3DS, .DAE

  2. Limitations:

  • Size of a file shouldn’t exceed 10 Mb

  • Size of a model shouldn’t exceed 10x10x10 meters

  • The number of polygons shouldn’t exceed 20000 per model, low-poly models are recommended (2000-5000 polygons per model)

2. Preparing a Model

  1. The model should only contain the structure of the product itself, and should not contain irrelevant content like another products, rooms, lighting and other

  2. Don’t create invisible structures inside the model.

  3. The model should be created according to the true size of the object.

  4. The model should not contain overlapping and fliped polygons. Check normals as well.

  5. It’s recommended to group model elements in one group. Multi-element model is preferable.

  6. Model has to be centered to zero coordinates.

  7. Center pivot to object, align to world, and set zero coordinates. Usually the pivot should be set to the center of the object on the plane on which it is placed on floor, wall or ceiling respectively. You can correct pivot in the preview editor.

  8. We currently support all the general max materials including multi-sub material. Vray material is recommended.

  9. It is recommended to name material ID with a relevant names like wood, metal, solis, etc.

  10. If model contains texture maps create .zip archive with a model.

  11. If model contains unsolid textures use UVW map or Unwrap UVW. Most of our textures has a scale 100x100 cm.

3. Model Upload Operation

Model Import

  1. Click Add → My Items → Add Item, pick 3d model and wait till you be able to see the model’s preview. Usually it takes a few minutes. You can also click Done and back to editing later.

2. Name the model/product.

3. Click Catalog and pick a specification. Sofa an example.

4. If it's a branded product fill a fields with a brand name, link, price, and collection name.

5. After the model is imported you will be able to see your preview.

6. Set the correct size of a product in the size editor under a preview window.

7. Set the right position of pivot and correct position of a model in the editor. Click Edit at the top riht corner of a model preview.

8. Set correct colors and variations by clicking +. Attached maps will be uploaded automatically. You can also upload an additional ones or to pick materials from our textures catalog.

9. Click Done.

10. After that your model will be imported automatically. Uploading process and thumbnail rendering might take a time. So don't be scared about it and come to check it later.

11. You can find all the uploaded models in the Catalog - My Items.


If you want to change model materials and variations you can repeat issue 5 and new thumbnails will be generated, you can also click Force render thumbnails (all or current variation) at the top right corner in the kebab menu. Thumbnail rendering has to be uploaded in 2 hours. You can notice that thumbnails are replaced with temporary ones. If it doesn’t happen because of a problems with an internet connection click Force render thumbnails again.


Sometimes there is an issues with a high poly models or you get find some issues with a model by your own. In that case you can click Reupload model. Model will be reuploaded and all the model settings will be saved.


If you want to delete the model click Delete model in the kebab menu in the top right corner of the editing menu or Delete in the left corner below the preview.


If you want to make your model public and allow other users to use it click Publish in the humburger menu at the top right corner of editing menu.

Possible Issues

High poly model

Mobile phones doesn’t support high poly models. So we compress them to low poly models and might change the original look of the model. Try to avoid high poly models. The best amount of polyogns is 2000-5000.

Thumbnail Error (An error occured while rendering shadow and thumbnails)

Click Force render thumbnail in the kebab menu. If it doesn’t work try to click Reimport model in the kebab menu. If it doesn’t work too please write to

Timeout Error

It usually happens because of a poor internet connection or server issues. Try to reupload model later.

Bundle Error (An error occured while processing the model)

Please write to about the issue.

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