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Meeting with Clients

Learn how to get your first clients

Few ideas about how you can get your first clietns, helpful resources and recommendations from PROs.

E-design service

Now, when you have a portfolio it's time to find the first clients.

There's a few options:

  • office job;

  • individual entrepreneurship offline;

  • e-commerce service.


Let's focus on e-commerce service because this way you can provide your services remotely around the world. It's a good idea for beginners.

Get an entreprener license in your country and start to look for a clients.

Where to get clients

For beginners
1. Tell your friends. Maybe you will inspire them for renovation or maybe they can recommend your service to others.
2. Join communities of a new home owners in a new buildings in social media. Also, join rent communities. Maybe someone needs a design for renovation.
3. Freelance resources. Try Upwork, Workana, Houzz.
4. Join design competitions and challenges. You will have a new projects for portfolio and you will increase the awareness.
5. Join professional communities to learn more.
6. Don't forget to print business cards and place it in cafes in your neighborhood.

7. Be nice and friendly to people. Tell about your service when you meet new people. You never know where you can find a client.

After you have your first money reinvest it to the business.

Advanced level
1. Advertisement. Google ads usually costs a lot and works well with a huge businesses. You can start with a SEO for your website. Also, learn technical details and launch social media ads.
2. PR publications help to increase brand awareness and find clients in a long term period.
3. Develope personal brand in social media. Create teaching videos for the clients, funny videos, show the design process and your designs.
4. Collaborate with architects and interior agencies. Sometimes they can share clients and you will learn a lot.
5. Word of mouth. First you work for clients and then clients work for you. Keep warm relations with them.
6. Join podcasts and webinars as a design expert or even create your own.
7. Join professional events like conferences, seminars and parties. Try to become a speaker. Visit home shows and furniture store presentations.
8. Collaborate with a real estate businesses.

Room Planner challenges

Join Room Planner challenges (will be launched soon) to compete with the other designers. You'll get a new experience and will practice on real projects.

  • Grow your rating in Room Planer, get awards, find new friends & clients in the biggest community

  • Vote in Challenges and compare skills with a designers around the world to become a best one

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Challenges are coming soon! Follow our updates.

Soft skills for designers

To compete with the other designers on the market improve your soft skills.​

  • Pitch skills: how to listen to the client, how to ask questions

  • Learning skills: it's important not only ask questions but to hear a client

  • Organization: stay organised because being a designer means you have to keep in mind a lot of things

  • Planinng: use planning services or bullet journal to track timing of a design project

Professional advice

Here is some tips from professional designers that will help you to work more productive.

Inform your client about design iterations during the process and keep the client calm.

  1. Don't be scared to ask money for your job. Even if it's small amount in the beginning.

  2. Be honest. Publish only your designs to portfolio. Be honest about timing.
  3. Ask questions. First client's interview is informative, but sometimes you need to clarify details.
  4. Discuss everything before you start to work. What exactly the client pay for, how many time it takes, how many edits are included, etc. The more details you'll include to the agreement, the less pain you'll get.

Good job!

You have finished the beginer's design course. Congratulations! Catch your bonus!

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